We want to be a church that participates in God’s mission with our finances and resources.
Online Bill Pay & U.S. Mail
To make giving easier and regular, we encourage using an online bill pay system through your bank. Normally, there is no charge for these services - your bank simply sends a check to Grace City Eugene on your behalf.
Mailing Address:
Grace City Eugene, 1574 Coburg Rd. #426, Eugene, OR 97401
Give Online
Online giving powered by PushPay.
Download the PushPay App today and give.
Thank you.
Thank you for your contributions and gifts to Grace City. They make a great difference. If you have any questions or would like specific details on our financial status, please contact our church office at
All financial gifts are income tax deductible, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code for 501(c)(3) organizations.
Grace City Eugene is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.